my story beings nine years ago, i got married when i was 23 years old and have been married now for 11 years.
My husband and i dreamed so much of having a child in the first year of our marriage, and we prayed alot together holding hands and praying for our family and friends.
Then i received good news that i was pregnant and we were so excited and happy about our news, we went out and started looking at baby things in my first tremster,and we thanked god for this beautiful blessing.
Everything was going well,then on 12weeks i was getting a sharp pain and i was getting scared and i started to bleed.
My husband rushed me to the hospital and i was experiencing a miscarriage i lost my baby that night,we had a hard time i was very upset,but i never gave up on my faith and my belief in god.
A few days later i was at my mum's home and she was reading,i asked my mum what was she reading and then my mum told me she was reading a novena to saint rita....then she told me about the life of saint rita,i was so moved by her story.... i asked my mum if i can borrow the book,my mum gave me the novena book of saint rita... and she also sewed me a gown that was black. and i wore the gown and prayed to saint rita for nine days of the novena.
Three months later i feel pregnant.... we were so happy i thank saint rita for hearing my prayers!!!
we continued to pray to saint rita for a health baby.
The baby was born 4weeks early it was a girl!!!
We named her Isabella RITA.
And now my daughter knows about saint rita and prayers to her in her time of need.
I think to myself maybe this miscarriage happened for a reason..... for my god and my lord jesus to guide me to our beautiful SAINT RITA!!!
thank you xoxo